News Releases

Getting fit on the resolutions list for the New Year (again)?

Jan 5, 2014

Among Aussie women, almost $1.3 billion dollars is spent on paid exercise each year according to new research from Special K – but is it money well spent? With a whole new year stretched out before us, the perennial review of the previous 12 months ensues with many of us left wondering what happened to the ‘regular exercise’ we vowed to maintain when 2013 kicked off.

The research also revealed that training with a partner might be the key to success with half of Australian women saying that the biggest hurdle to training alone is finding the motivation. When training with a partner or a group, the statistics indicate that women have twice as much motivation to get out there and achieve their goals.

Of the women who already train with a partner, 94 per cent say they are more likely to achieve their goals when they have company. Despite this, only a quarter of women (26 per cent) actually exercise with a partner or group with over half (57 per cent) still going it alone.

Fitness and yoga expert, Kate Kendall from Sydney’s Flow Athletic says keeping company while you exercise is a strategy for success:

“We find that not only do our clients have a lot of fun when they train with a partner or a group, but they often work harder too. We design many of our outdoor classes around partner work as we find that everyone gets so much out of it.

“It's common for people to spend a lot of money on exercise and then not make the most of it. Finding a training partner or group is a great way to ensure you stay motivated as they can help keep you accountable."

Kate’s top five tips for a great training session with your partner:

  • Share your Goals: Whether they are weight management, finishing a marathon or to see a little more definition in the abs, your friend can help keep you accountable in those times when things get tough!
  • Have a laugh: Laughing triggers the release of natural feel-good chemicals, improving your overall sense of wellbeing. When done with a partner it tightens your bond making you more likely to want to get up at the crack of dawn to train with them.
  • Eye of the tiger: A little bit of banter and healthy competition never hurt anyone. If you can be picky, choose a workout partner who you know has a little fire in their belly and will want to push themselves to beat you.
  • Share the Expertise: Two heads are better than one when it comes to getting fit. Talk it out and share your learnings with your partner. You'll accelerate your results and both get across the finish line faster!
  • Give Back: Encouraging a partner and helping them achieve remarkable things for their health can have incredible ripple effects and be great for your own sense of wellbeing. Do it and see what happens.

To help encourage Aussie women to start the New Year with a boost to their exercise regime, Special K® has partnered with global active wear brand New Balance® to offer a free training top in exchange for the purchase of three specially-marked packs.
My Special K® provides women with free exercise and eating plans to help them plan their long term goals and a healthy lifestyle. Guidance from your health care professional is recommended prior to starting an exercise and eating plan. For more information on how to achieve your goals, visit:

*The independent study was conducted nationally by Galaxy on behalf of Special K in December 2013. The study was conducted online among a representative sample of women aged 20-54 years. The sample was 389 respondents, distributed throughout Australia including both capital city and non-capital city areas.

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