News Releases

In this section of the Kellogg's Australia MediaRoom, you'll find our news releases. The releases are listed in chronological order and are archived by year.

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2016 Archives

Oct 13, 2016

As Australians prepare to donate to their favourite charities for their Christmas appeals, Kellogg Australia will continue the giving into the new year and beyond by committing to provide 30...

Apr 5, 2016

Curious about where the corn in your Corn Flakes comes from? Or want to know how Nutri-Grain is made? Whatever your question, from sustainability to sugar, from nut sourcing to nutrition,...

Feb 29, 2016
Kellogg Australia has teamed up with The Smith Family, Penguin Books and Shelley Craft to help disadvantaged Australian children find joy in reading and improve their literacy skills.

In primary school, the reading gap between the lowest socio-economic students (SES) and the highest SES is equivalent to almost three years of schooling[1]. With The Smith Family identifying that...

Feb 28, 2016

After a combined 150 years as Australian breakfast table icons, Kellogg’s favourites Corn Flakes and Special K are going gluten free for the first time, with products hitting supermarket shelves...

Feb 1, 2016
7 out of 10 Australian women have an ‘I hate my body’ moment every week

A new Special K #OwnIt Body Confidence Study has revealed that 7 out of 10 Australian women have an ‘I hate my body’ moment every single week. The unforgiving voice inside our heads can give...
